Offshore Crew Change

Less transit time –
improved efficiency

HeliService USA understands that the most important asset to any offshore wind project is its people. To complement the individual hoisting of technicians and equipment directly to turbines, helicopters present the safest and most efficient way of completing crew changes. The Leonardo AW169 offers seating for a transfer of up to 8 passengers, ensuring the workforce is where they need to be when it counts.
While transfer vessels are hampered by things such as wave height and speed restrictions, helicopters cruise at 120 kts for a transfer time of just a few minutes depending on wind park location. Reducing this transit time increases productivity exponentially and ensures a lower C02 impact per passenger.

Offshore Hoisting (HHO)

HeliService USA hoists personnel
directly to wind turbines

Efficient windfarm operations start with an intelligent logistics strategy. Utilizing helicopters for hoisting personnel directly to the turbine plays a crucial role in that strategy. HeliService USA operates a fleet of Leonardo AW169’s which have become the premier airframe for offshore transportation due to their power, ability to perform single engine hover, and proficiency in accessing remote locations that are inaccessible by vessel.
Additionally, hoisting technicians and equipment by helicopter is more efficient than vessels due to their speed and proficiency in a wider range of weather conditions. HeliService USA partnered with HeliService Germany who is the market leader in offshore hoisting, having completed over 24,000 hoist cycles without incident. HeliService USA now carries on that same legacy of safety and precision over US waters.


Helicopters offer three unique
ways to transport cargo

Unscheduled downtime is just one of many obstacles wind farm operators face. Reducing downtime starts with a responsive delivery of vital cargo directly onto turbines or support vessels. The Leonardo AW169 is capable to transporting loads of up to 1000kg (2200lbs) and its purpose-built hoist system can lift 249kg directly from the ground to the cabin. Allowing the hoist to do the work keeps both staff and cargo safe.
Utilizing a helicopter solution for cargo transport puts time on the customer’s side. It ensures that crucial parts and equipment are delivered safely and at speeds no other vehicle can match. Faster response equals more uptime.

HEMS (soon-to-be)

Offering the highest level of
safety for our customers

Our commitment to HEMS is unparalleled. With a management team boasting extensive experience in both HEMS and Search and Rescue, we possess the unique know-how to build and develop HEMS/SAR programs from the ground up. This exceptional hands-on experience allows us to understand the challenges and intricate details needed for program planning to actual flight operations.
HeliService USA brings reliability and expertise to every mission. Additionally, we specialize in complex rescues that involve hoisting directly from turbines as well as water extractions of persons in distress. When it comes to HEMS/SAR, HeliService USA is committed to offering the highest standards of safety and performance. Our unwavering commitment to saving lives ensures we are well equipped to take on the most critical offshore situations.